I am important and valued!
Each child is unique and so everyone needs a special approach tailored to them. At P’titCREF, children learn in small groups so that teachers can give each child individual attention. In this way, each child develops their talents and abilities to their full potential.
I learn by playing!
P’titCREF teachers organize their classes around play, adapting the format to the needs of each child. We play all day long! During play, educational content is absorbed more rapidly and learning a foreign language becomes simple and easy to follow.

I have a talent!
Each child has huge untapped potential. Our goal is to help the child find their own spheres of interest and reach their full potential in these. Studying with us, children acquire knowledge and skills that will help them to succeed at school, university, and in their careers.
I speak three languages!
Our teachers are native speakers and our students come from all over the world. At P’titCREF, children are immersed in an international environment and absorb new languages quickly and naturally.
I'm getting ready for school!
We prepare children for school in accordance with international standards. Children study in three national preschool programs simultaneously, mastering oral communication, writing, and mathematics.